Are You Ready To Gigantically Raise Your Manifestation Powers And Receive All That You Want? ‏ 


 “One Of The World’s Best Manifestation Masters Is Going To Empower You Remotely To Be Your Own Manifestation Master…” 

From the keyboard of John Hicks 

Dear Friend, 

If you are on this page, it means you are interested in mastering manifestation and you've probably been studying manifestation for some time now.  

You have probably heard how manifestation has changed the lives of many people and how they used it to achieve literally everything they wanted. 

You might have already tried manifestation in your life but to your surprise you have NOT actually received any result. Or perhaps some of you might have achieved one or two things but still MANY THINGS easily escape you… 

Am I right?  

Well, worry not

Today, I will show you how you can unleash the manifestation powers inside you… and how you can use those powers to achieve ABSOLUTELY ANYTHING you want

On that note, let me introduce myself. 

My name is John Hicks and ...I've manifested my own desires and achieved everything I ever wished for.  

And this is not only about me. 

I've been successfully manifesting many other people’s desires and wishes; helping them to ultimately become their own manifestation master the last many years. I've already helped thousands of people over all these years to unleash their spiritual powers hiding inside them and I can help you too.  

Imagine How You Would Benefit If You Could Get A Chance To Mingle In My Energy Every Day And Follow My Secret Roadmap To Mastering Manifestation 

Think how life will change for you when you will become a MANIFESTATION MASTER… 

    Your life will change dramatically. 

    You will no longer flow with the tides of other’s will. 

    You will choose your success, your opportunities, your friends, your enemies and whatever you want. 

    You will feel your own manifestation power in full swing. 

    Your life will be unique and ideal for an ordinary person. 

    No person would have the courage to force something on you without your permission. 

    You will become more enthused and inspired. 

    You will begin to really LIVE your life in its true meaning. 

Let Me Make That Happen For YOU! 

All you have to do is to join my “Be a Manifestation Master” subscription for 6 to 12 months and continue whatever you are doing whether it is praying, affirmation or whatever to manifest your ambitions and goals; and leave the rest to me. 

I will use my own secrets including specific daily prayers and much more, I will actively beg the universe to let you uncover your inner manifestation powers. It might sound simple to you but the fact is that it is VERY EFFECTIVE and it REALLY BRINGS RESULTS. 

Here’s How Valuable My Manifestation Master Subscription Has Been For My Clients… 


I don’t want to brag and even I don’t have to sing my own praises… but the fact is that whenever I had announced my manifestation master subscription in the past, every time I had to close the doors before the actual last date


The reason being the tremendous amount of subscriptions I got within first few days and sometimes within just 24 hours!! 


Many subscribers told me that they were so excited and didn’t want to miss the chance to be their own manifestation master with my energetic help.  


To my surprise, one of the subscribers stumbled upon my site through a guy named D_Redant; who is the owner of a huge spiritual community who mentioned my offer to his community. And the subscriber named Heidy was so IMPRESSED with my manifestation service that she bought two more subscriptions and sent the below email to that guy who originally told her about my subscription. 


Here Is The Testimonial She Shared With D_Redant 



“Dear Redant, 

I have to tell you about my manifestation master request.   

Last month when mm ran a 50% special, I thought I would try a one day request out of curiosity. So, I requested a prayer “for our friends, (named) to sell their home so they could move to Ecuador.” 

I completely forgot about it and last weekend my husband told me they got an offer in their house. Still not remembering, I went through my PayPal statement and saw a charge for $5.99 and looked closely at the charge and burst out laughing. That was the 50% off prayer request for our friends.  

It was one year ago almost exactly that they put it up for sale.  

At the same time, they brokered the deal without any realtors, got $340k out of $349k, got paid on the spot a cheque for $150k, and hired someone to run their business while they lived outside the country.  

I'm so impressed with the result, I'm ready to sign up myself, so is my husband and so is my son.” 

- Heidy, 

  North Carolina, USA 


By the way, I've got her permission to put it on this page. 

From the above testimonial, you can see… how excited and impressed Heidy was with my manifestation services. She got subscriptions for her husband and son and even asked all her acquaintances to join.  When your clients are so happy that they spread you through their word-of-mouth… That says a lot! 

Below Is Another Testimonial I Just Received From A Current Subscriber! 


“My testimony is that having worked with John on requests over the past 8 months and having good success, I thought that the be a master, subscription was going to move my emotional and physical progress faster. 

Right from the start, and it has only been 2 weeks, I am becoming better at manifesting what I need and want with initially very good results.” 

- Ron, 

  Montreal, Canada. 


“Hey, That’s Great. Tell Me, How To Subscribe Now To Become My Own Manifestation Master” 

Great… it shows you are really serious about changing your life for the better and becoming your own manifestation master. 

You have already seen how powerful this manifestation subscription is. You have read the comments from people who have already subscribed to this manifestation. You have seen how so very much those people loved it that they referred others to subscribe.  

Let me be straightforward, no good thing comes cheap and the same is true for my manifestation master subscription. It is not dirt cheap but it’s worth your investment.  

Please note this is a monthly subscription and you must subscribe for a minimum of 6 months to start seeing positive results and for perfect, awesome results you must remain a subscriber for 12 months. 

Subscribing is simple. Just choose your preferred level from the three levels described below and let’s get started. 

1. Basic Level Manifestation Master- $1111 

If you want to manifest your dreams and ambitions 1000 times faster than your normal ability then you need to join this basic level Manifestation Master. Join this monthly subscription now to increase your manifestation immediately. Just within 6 to 12 months, you will see yourself transformed into a Manifestation Master. 

This level includes 2 FREE Multiple Manifestation Requests for 730 Days (Worth $3360). After subscribing you can email your list of 40 intentions, wishes, affirmations, etc and I will broadcast them 9 times a day for 730 days non-stop.  

Please note you commit to use this manifestation for positive purposes only! 


2. Extreme Level Manifestation Master- $2222 

If you are very ambitious and want to manifest your desires and goals 100,000 times faster than your normal ability, then join this extreme level Manifestation Master subscription. 

This monthly subscription will transform you into a relaxed individual. Your thoughts will become so powerful that they could manifest ANYTHING you want; be it for you or for others around you. 

This level includes 1 FREE Multiple Manifestation Request (730 Days Prayer Broadcast) EVERY MONTH!! Once you subscribe you can send your list of 20 requests that I will broadcast 9 times a day for 730 days non-stop each month. It is worth $1680 per month!  

Please note you MUST commit to use this energy and powerful thoughts in a positive way.  



3. Super Extreme Level Manifestation Master- $3737 

Manifest your desires and thoughts at 1,000,000 times your normal ability! This is mainly for those who want to manifest for masses of people. You can manifest for your family, friends, clients, anyone… If you already do healing, magic or other spiritual work be prepared to have it Amplified ONE MILLION TIMES! Your own clients will see and feel the RESULTS!! 

This is the most potent level possible for the Manifestation Master John Hicks to channel into your being on a daily basis. Over time your own energies will naturally embody the Manifestation Master Energy.  

This super extreme level includes the following: 

    When you subscribe, you will get 1 FREE Multiple Manifestation Request (9 times a day for 730 days prayer broadcast) for each month. It is valued at $1680 per month. 


    When you subscribe, you will get 1 FREE Single Manifestation Request (9 times a day for 730 days prayer broadcast) – normally valued at $899.95 per month. 

That means each month you will be able to send me your list of 20 requests and one more request that I will broadcast for 9 times a day for 730 days non-stop. 

Do your math… it’s a saving of $15,479.70 IN 6 MONTHS AND $30,959.40 IN 12 MONTHS. It cannot get any better than this!! 

Please note you MUST commit to use this energy and powerful thoughts in a positive way.  


All the best to you, 

John Hicks

Manifestation Master 

P.S. An important thing to mention… The last time I opened the doors to this, I received a truckload of orders within a few days and I actually had to close the doors even before the actual closing date. So if you’re serious about becoming your own Manifestation Master, you MUST ACT NOW!

P.P.S. Keep in mind, this isn’t some magic – it is something that ACTUALLY WORKS and that’s why you need to invest time to see its results. I strongly recommend that you subscribe for least 6 months to start seeing the good results and if you want perfect results then go for a 12 month subscription.  

P.P.P.S. Did I tell you that you will get EXTRA FREE MANIFESTATION REQUESTS (WORTH THOUSANDS) on the side while I work on making you a manifestation master?